General Safety Reminders
General Safety Reminders
During the first couple of weeks and throughout the semester, teachers will work with students reviewing classroom procedures and reminding them of safety guidelines. Below are some additional safety reminders to review with your child(ren):
Unless students are attending breakfast, school arrival time is 8:10 a.m. This ensures that supervision is in place and that students are not waiting unattended.
Discuss an after-school plan with your child(ren). Students attending Gilden Woods or Woodcliff aftercare leave immediately after school via buses parked along Hall Street.
Use crosswalks to cross streets when walking to and from school. Students are asked to utilize locations with crossing guards and safeties whenever possible.
We are pleased to have some wonderful crossing guards who help students safely access Lakeside properly. Please show them that “Kindness Counts!”
Please adhere to all traffic signage and cones when dropping off and picking up students.
Please click the following links to view videos made with the City of East Grand Rapids to educate on walking safety and biking safety. Teachers will also view these videos with students in the first weeks of school. These videos can also be found on our website.
Wear helmets when riding bikes or scooters to school. These must be walked once on school property.
To ensure the safety of everyone, pets are not allowed on school property.
As a reminder to parents, our first bell rings at 8:15 a.m. and our doors will open for student entry only. Please enter through the door noted for your child(ren)’s teacher marked on this map. Any student who arrives after 8:20 a.m. should enter the building through Door #1 by the Main Office. For safety and security, all parents/guardians must enter the building through Door #1. Please do not knock on doors to ask our students to open them. They are instructed not to open locked doors for anyone. Students who are attending breakfast should enter through Door #1. Breakfast will be served from 7:55 - 8:15 a.m. in the gym.
- Lakeside