Lakeside PTO
About Us
About Us
The purpose of the Lakeside PTO is to help provide advice, funds, materials and services to supplement the educational programs within Lakeside Elementary, especially for the students and staff. We fund events, support the community, provide supplies and organize volunteers for many programs.
There are many ways to support our important work:
- Become a 2024-25 PTO Member. Your dues help us fund important programs and events. The cost of a membership is $10. Our goal is for each parent/guardian to become a member. You can join now via School Pay here or by check to the office.
- Attend a Meeting. Meetings are a wonderful way to get to know other PTO members and learn first-hand about various important topics, ranging from school safety, supplemental educational programs and social and emotional health of students.
- Volunteer. There are many different ways to become involved in our PTO. There are several committees within the PTO that any member can become a part of. If you have any questions regarding any of these committees, please contact either the Chairperson or Presidents, Logan Schmidt and Liz Terhorst.
- Book Fair - Plan and organize the Scholastic Book Fair held in the Learning Commons
- Fun Day - Organize parent volunteers for a day of outdoor fun and games for all students
- Roar Fundraiser - Organize and promote an annual silent & live auction for Lakeside parents. This is the only PTO fundraiser of the year
- Hospitality - Ensure that all hospitality and staff appreciation needs are covered. This may include set up, provision of food and beverages, and clean up at certain school events
- Bookroom - Help organize and catalog teaching supplemental textbooks
- Gardening - Will work to beautify and maintain the grounds around Lakeside. This will include clean up before the start of school, a fall clean up, a spring clean up, and an end of the year clean up/maintenance.
- Legislative - Serve as liaisons to the Legislative Committee of the EGRPS PTO Council to support and advocate for our public schools with the community and the legislature.
- Lost and Found - Help organize and return student's lost-and-found items that accumulate throughout the year.
- Attend a Meeting. Meetings are a wonderful way to get to know other PTO members and learn first-hand about various important topics, ranging from school safety, supplemental educational programs and social and emotional health of students.
How Our PTO Is Funded. There are currently three revenue streams for the PTO. They are as follows:
Roar, Lakeside’s Annual Fundraiser- September 27, 2024
What We Provide
What We Provide
Our PTO is consistently helping Lakeside provide the very best for our students and staff.
PTO Funded Events and Programs
- Author Visits
- Back to School Events
- Curriculum Enhancements
- Family Fun Night
- 5th Grade Farewell
- Grants provided for student, teacher, grade, and school needs
- Greenfield Village
- Harry Potter Zoo
- Henry Ford Museum
- Hospitality for events
- John Ball Traveling Zoo
- Kindergarten Art Gala
- Math Club
- MLK Day activities
- New Family Welcome
- Playground Enhancements
- Room Parent Organization
- Safety Patrols
- School Play Script
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Sled Dog Presentation
- Social Work Needs
- Spelling Bee
- Staff Meals for Conferences
- Staff Appreciation Lunches
- Teacher Opportunities for educational conference
- Van Andel Education Institute Field Trip: Sensing the World Around You
- Veteran’s Day Assembly
Curriculum Enhancements
- Book supplements for Reading Units of Study/Word Detectives
- Games for math stations & cooperative play
- Generation Genius - science enrichment
- Graphic novels for learning commons
- Kindergarten - 1st grade Spanish books
- “Kindness Counts” messaging
- "Let's Find Out" magazine subscription
- Lucy Calkins supplemental classroom books
- Mentor texts for reading and writing workshops
- Multicultural music program
- Musical Instruments
- Raz Plus, Spanish enrichment
- Rockalingua membership, Spanish enrichment
- Spot It!, Spanish enrichment
- Versa Tiles - math enrichment
Supporting the Community
- Hearts of Gold
- Legislative Updates, local and state
Providing Supplies
- American flags
- Books for each classroom’s library
- Book pouches for take home reading assignments
- Classroom bookshelves
- Classroom Start-Up Fund for teachers
- Classroom Supplies
- Drying racks
- 5th Grade Chick Incubator
- Flexible Classroom Seating
- Fluorescent light filters
- Fun Day supplies
- Gaga Pit
- Headphones
- Kindergarten Garden System
- Lakeside Elementary flags
- Lakewear
- Morning Tubs
- Playground Equipment
- Pretend play & sensory tables
- Sound system
- Student Garden
- Whiteboard activity tables
Our Board
2024-2025 Lakeside PTO Executive Board
- Co-President: John Boone
- Co-President: Jon Macha
- Co-Vice President: Devon Cunningham
- Co-Vice President: Jenny Jayne
- Mini Grant Coordinator: Lindsey Snyder
- Communication Co-Secretary: Emily Deuser
- Communication Co-Secretary: MeiLi Wieringa
- Treasurer: KC Laskey
- Past Treasurer: Jessica Kemppainen
- Past Co-President: Liz Terhorst
- Past CO-President: Logan Schmidt
Please click here to learn more about the Lakeside Elementary PTO Executive Board!
Our Sponsors
Meeting Dates
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
All Lakeside families are encouraged to attend a meeting and get involved. Our meetings are held in the Lakeside Elementary Learning Commons on the dates listed below. We will cover various real-time topics with guest speakers. All meetings are held at 8:30 am.
- September 10
- October 8
- February 11
- May 13
Resources for Families
Anxiety in Children: Click here for a presentation by Mr. Chad Jackson, School Social Worker, regarding anxiety in children. This presentation was originally given at the PTO meeting on February 8, 2022. Additional printouts that are referenced in the presentation can be found here.