Upcoming Events
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Preschool and child care registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open!
Those enrolling for this fall will be the first to experience our new and fully renovated Woodcliff Early Childhood Center (WECC). With expansive windows, dedicated play areas, and two new playgrounds, WECC has transformed into a state-of-the-art learning facility for our youngest learners.
View the preschool informational brochure or visit the Preschool and Child Care Enrollment page for more information.
If you have any questions regarding preschool or child care registration, please contact Director Courtney Van Heck at cvanheck@egrps.org or 616-235-7595.
With all our schools celebrating Jimmy Gerken's legacy of friendship with Kabookie Week this week, some of you might be wondering who Jimmy Gerken was. Jimmy Gerken was a friend to all. He was an East resident and then staff member with special needs. One of his most famous quotes is his response to someone who was bullying him: “That’s okay," Jimmy said. "I’ll still be your friend.”
Last year, to help share Jimmy's story with a new generation of students, the Foundation's communications director, Jay Forstner, worked with Jimmy's brother, Don, to create a children's picture book about Jimmy. You can watch and listen to Jay's read-aloud version of the story on the Foundation's "Honoring Jimmy Gerken" page at https://egrsf.org/what-we-do/honoring-jimmy-gerken/
In 2008, the Foundation established the Jimmy Gerken Fund. The purpose of this fund is to remember Jimmy and the life lessons he taught our community while supporting the activities that Jimmy loved most – athletics and co-curriculars. Last year, the Foundation also created Jimmy's Friendship Fund for families in need to honor Jimmy. The fund helps students and families who are experiencing temporary financial troubles pay for participation fees and other expenses. You can support the fund at https://egrsf.org/what-we-do/jimmys-friendship-fund.html
Grand Rapids Ballet is producing a wonderful family-friendly production of Peter Pan, February 21-23 at DeVos Performance Hall, with the Grand Rapids Symphony.
Before the Saturday, February 22nd matinee performance there will be a FREE scavenger hunt called Journey to Neverland, beginning at 1pm-pirate and fairy costumes encouraged!
Many EGRPS students will be performing as members of the Grand Rapids Ballet School!
Tickets are available at grballet.com. Take a look at a sneak peek of the performance!
To attend this event you must pre-register HERE
This event is made possible through generous contributions from all EGRPS Parent Teacher Organizations and local business interests. Volunteers are needed to conjure up an amazing night. Please sign up here if you are able to help us on Saturday, February 22. You must have a completed volunteer form on file.
For more information check out the details HERE.
Not able to attend the Yule Ball? The Gaslight Village Business Association is working to create fun activities for ALL AGES!!
More info coming soon.
PTO and Academic Boosters Book Club, March 3, 7:00 p.m.
“The Anxious Generation” by Jonahtan Haidt
Come join us as Melissa VanderZyden, LMSW, leads a discussion on the current state of children and youth. The conversation will explore the impact of social media, and other issues related to technology, which are affecting their mental and emotional health.The discussion will be held in the High School Learning Commons.
Program Highlights
Elementary Musical
The elementary musical is a very special opportunity in which every student can be involved! Students in grades K-1 are able to learn a song and dance and perform live on stage at the start of the show. Second graders have the added opportunity to make a cameo appearance. Students in grades 3-5 may showcase their singing and acting skills on stage or work behind the scenes helping with costumes, artwork, setting the stage, lights and sound, directing peers, and more! This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire Lakeside Elementary school community to work and grow together!
Student Leaders
At Lakeside Elementary, we value student leadership and voices. Our elementary team consistently provides opportunities for students to serve as role models for one another, creating a culture where students can grow and thrive.
Mystic Lake Camp
Lakeside fifth-grade students start the year with a two-night stay at Mystic Lake in Clare, MI. In addition to experiencing hands-on science lessons, students also bond together through team-building challenges, nature hikes and canoeing, and all the challenges that make up a classic camp adventure. The interpersonal threads that tie together on this trip bind Lakeside fifth graders for the rest of their final year of elementary school, and beyond.
ROAR is a fun-filled night out for parents that directly supports our students as the largest fundraiser for the Lakeside PTO. Parents come together for appetizers, drinks, games, auctions, raffles and live entertainment! This is a great community-builder for the families of Lakeside students. The money raised goes to support classroom grants and school-wide activities.